How to return orders

In order to ensure the satisfaction of our customers, all products are subject to return and exchange for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase:
  •  Return terms:
  1.  Return shipping fees are borne by the customer, unless a product was sent to the customer by mistake or has a manufacturing defect, in which case shipping is free.
  2. Keep the product in good condition, intact and undamaged.
  3. The customer is granted a 2% free trial for sticks that do not exceed 5 grams. .
  4. When more than one free trial is used, the entire shortage is deducted with the trial..
  5. Refunds are not allowed if the usage exceeds 10% of the weight of the oud.
  6. It is stipulated that in order to recover the fat, it should be tested with a few drops on a cloth and not on the skin, and that the fat should not be emptied into quart flasks if it was purchased in bulk in one package. .